How to Not Suck at Design

I know a lot of people who have dabbled in design. I know even more people who, when I tell them I'm a Creative Director and Graphic Designer, that tell me something like, "I've always wanted to try g ...

Use Your Friends   This week's design tip is kind of a big deal . Not only do I talk about the importance of a non-designer in your design process, but I also have a big announcemen ...


New Doesn’t Mean Better

New isn't always better. Sometimes starting something new is a trap because it means you maybe didn't finish something you started new last year.    Every new year people around the world make New Ye ...

Be Brave. Create. Then Lead.

A few months back I had the opportunity to give my very first talk. I was thrilled that I was going to be able to speak about type. What could be better? Well the fact is, for the first time in a lon ...

Enjoy Your Work Enjoy your work. Show joy and exude excitement in your designs and people will hire you not only because you're good at it but because people want to hire someone who l ...

Encouraging Quotes for Creatives

  It's been hard to get back into the writing habit after a summer spent traveling and making my family time a priority. So waking up this morning atound 5:30 was quite the cho ...

Detach Yourself Sometimes we just have to step back and remember that our designs are not the best or last best thing we will ever do. Today's tip is all about the importance of detach ...

Do [Design] Math Many designers look at their work and think, “It’s still missing something.” But maybe it’s actually that something needs to be missing. Your design is d ...

Why I Do What I Do

Why do I write this blog? I mean, what's the point? There's probably lots of other designers or creative directors that know what I know (and more) that don't feel the need to talk about it. This we ...

Talk Shop Don't you wish that someone understood the importance of choosing the right typeface? Have you ever been frustrated at the looks you get when you buy thi ...

Cheat, Sometimes "If you're not cheating, you're not trying" right? Well, sort of. What does it mean to be a cheater as a creative? I have a couple of ideas. Also, check out these blog ...

Use Colored Pencils With all the amazing new technologies we have at our disposal as designers, we start to rely on the computer to create things that are supposed to be something else. We ...

Get Outside There's literally no excuse for sitting in an office all day. Here's a few reasons why it pays to get out as a creative! ---------------------------------------------- ...

Be Tenacious Tenacity: it's not giving up, not letting go... But how does this relate to being a better designer or creative? ------------------------------------------------------- ...

Be Humble No one likes a snobby designer, today's tip will help you understand why humility is a trait every designer needs to strive to have.   -------------------------- ...

Be Curious There's something about curious people and genius that makes for a better designer... --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www. ...

Be Receptive Don't hate on criticism. Be receptive and be better for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

Try to Just Say No There’s obviously a lot more than just saying no to your clients; but for today’s tip, try to think about saying no to certain client requests and using your expertise to ...

Ask Why

Asking why, or questioning your decisions, tests your motive for every design decision you make. Knowing your reasons requires that you, have gone through some questions and had to answer for them. T ...

Creativity is a Work Ethic

Creative people are not magicians. Ideas are not something that you need special skill to find. Someone may be born with talent but that doesn't make them idea makers. Have you ever wondered why cer ...

Don’t Think — Know Thinking is great, it's something you NEED when you're designing. But if you want your clients to trust that you know what you're doing, maybe you shouldn' ...