Ask Why
Asking why, or questioning your decisions, tests your motive for every design decision you make. Knowing your reasons requires that you, have gone through some questions and had to answer for them. T ...
Because your design won't direct itself.
HomeCreative Confidence
Asking why, or questioning your decisions, tests your motive for every design decision you make. Knowing your reasons requires that you, have gone through some questions and had to answer for them. T ...
It's really important to recognize when you have become too cozy where you are creatively. Leaving your comfort zone doesn't just mean learning something new. It can also mean pushing yourself into ...
There are things that I see, looking back, that helped me succeed as a student that I can still say are crucial now that I am on the instruction side.
Presenting is actually a crucial design skill, one that you can be good at with intentional practice.
What does it mean to be restless? Most of the things that come to mind when people think of being restless are perceived as negative. Words like, nervous, agitated, anxious, or unsettled. I think th ...
We follow family members to keep up with their lives, we follow friends to see what they’re up to, and we follow interesting people for entertainment. But as creatives, we should have a more intentional group of individuals to follow.
Avoid the trauma to your creative self, and learn how to use trends to your advantage without selling your artistic soul.
There can be perfection and amazing beauty in the imperfect, in the abstract and messy-take risks.
People will understand you and your creative journeys even better if you show yourself. Don’t be afraid to let the world see you, they want to see you.
Especially as creatives, we really need to explore and be confident in our weirdness.
It’s easy to come up with an idea when you can do whatever you want, but often the best ideas can come from forced margins.
You always start with addition (put everything in your design that you think you need), but to get to the end you must think in subtraction.
Critiquing and directing other peoples’ creative work creates an endorphin-like rush that motivates ME to do better work.
While I was quite literally right in the middle of writing what I was planning on writing for this weeks post, I took a break. I decided to check out a designer whose work I really love and see what ...