New isn’t always better. Sometimes starting something new is a trap because it means you maybe didn’t finish something you started new last year.
Every new year people around the world make New Years resolutions. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is great. I think it’s necessary to challenge yourself; to get healthier or learn a new skill. However, there’s something in this that sometimes gets forgotten as the months of the New Year go by—finishing.
There’s something about starting something new that brings a kick of adrenaline and excitement.
But over time, when that wears off, we begin to lack the motivation to keep the thing going to the end.
I’m included in this category for sure. I love to have great ideas and start new things but it’s always really hard to finish them. My goal this year is to finish things I start, whether that’s a design project or a book I’m reading, I want to be a finisher.
I’m sure you all have new things you’re looking forward to doing this year. My challenge to you this year is to look back at the things you wanted to finish or master last year that you never completed. Instead of leaving them behind and thinking that you’ll just start something new, consider the satisfaction you’ll get from completing those things that have already been sitting there waiting to get done.
As for myself, I had a number of things from last years goals that I didn’t complete in 2016 that I want to put on my list for this year, because I don’t want to just be a starter, anyone can start something.
I want to be a finisher, because only in the completion is there satisfaction.
Happy new year, may 2017 be the year of mastery and finishing instead of newness. Design is a wonderful world. I hope you’ll join me here, because design matters.