BrandiSea Design Studio

Because your design won't direct itself.

Design Speaks Podcast Season 2

Chapter 3
The Super Secret to Supercharging Your Process:

Understanding the seriously profound effect music has on our creative minds can help us use it to its potential and to our advantage.

On This Episode!

( I hope you like music )

Using music to help you create:

  • Music is for your mind 
  • Music effects our emotions 
  • Make a different playlist for each step in your process
  • Knowing how to activate your mind gives you an edge 
  • Use music as a time keeping tool
  • Listen to music that’s relevant to what you’re creating
  • When you consistently use the same music, it will start to trigger your brain to do what it needs to do. 

This weeks inspiration

    • The Socratic Method

Links & References

Blog Post on Music 

Wind of Change podcast 

Spotify Playlists:

Zelda: Breath of the Wild Soundtrack 

Sleeping at Last

Ideating phase: 

Superior Study Playlist

Brain Food 

Be Bold or Italic, Never Regular 

Research phase:

Creativity Boost

Seize the Day 

Sketching phase:

Anything with lyrics (not a playlist title) 

Designing phase:

Upbeat music (not a playlist title)

Video Episodes Coming Soon!

Inspiring Song

You Can Quote Us

Share some of our favorite snippets from this week’s episode.

"It's good to hack like into your intuitive creativity. To lean over to the right side of your brain. That's when I highly encourage songs that you can just sing to like, that's your sing songs in the shower playlist."

"The whole secret weapon thing I say... that the word map is my secret weapon BUT, I think the super secret top secret thing that really impacts the creative process for me is music. For, gosh about five years now, I think I've really honed in to realizing that there should be a specific kind of music for each stage in The Process."

"I listen to different music at my desk. I would say like if I am just in the car during chores or whatever it's usually just kinda everyday music that I listened to.But when I'm at my desk I think I am more purposeful [about my music choices]."

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Hi, I'm BrandiSea

I am an experienced design strategist and creative coach, with close to 20 years of professional design experience ranging from art and creative direction, to publishing design, teaching as adjunct professor, speaking, and leading workshops. My work has been recognized with awards but my favorite claim to fame is that I help designers like you take control of your creativity and learn a process that makes it possible to be creative “on demand” and use your own inspiration in your work. 

Thank You To

The ultra-talented  Vesperteen (Colin Rigsby) for letting us use his song “Shatter in The Night” as our theme music on every episode of Design Speaks. Producers Kenneth Kniffin and Dakota Cook.  Audio Editing by Anne at The Podcast Babes Podcast Cover Art Illustration by Pippa Keel – @pippa.jk of Zhu Creative

TRANSCRIPTION  of Chapter 3 of Season 2 The Super Secret Secret to Supercharging Your Design Process


Welcome to design speaks the podcast help you discover uncommon inspiration so you can make more meaningful work. I’m brandy my co host is Julie Hyder. I-. Julie Hebron. Going good where matching today, people can’t see it but we opposed just by chance. Wore white and black stripes. you in like the same size strikes. That’s so. We’re. Like us. Yes. So what have you been up to this week anything fun and interesting exciting elopement. Moments, lots of hiking for those low moments but it was really fun and then all the editing that comes afterwards. Do you do you love the editing or do you just love the taking pictures and you wish someone else could do all that other stuff? Sometimes I love the editing and sometimes I? Don’t. I will be honest though I am this year starting to outsource might editing just because? I have got way too much to do in. It’s just me working on the business. So I had to figure out something to outsource. So I actually just sent over my first gallery yesterday to be edited. So go ahead and like a preview for my clients the next day about fifty images. So I go ahead at it all goes, and then hopefully my editor will finish it out. Hey, look at you outsourcing. Yeah. Much of a control freak like. This season as you know by now is is being produced. The audio is being produced by someone else outside of like my home and it’s it’s been pretty tough to let go of like the. Go you’re not so I feel. I’m like okay. But I have to trust them. They know what they’re doing. Yeah at the beginning of the year when it’s kind of like planning out my goals and different things like I just made it a fact like I will be outsourcing might editing because I have to get that time back to work on other things that you know. Are. More. Important for me to do versus something that someone else can do for me. Good. For you I think I need to do more of that. It’s scary. I, I’ll be working on that. So. When you’re when you’re editing so I’m guessing that you don’t generally hike to music. I don’t. Think. I kind of I I. DO sometimes I, take my headphones but so today or going to be talking about the. The magic of music in the creative process, some tips and tricks on how to kind of Hack your brain using using music. So I’m curious your thoughts on that, but we’ll be we’ll be chatting about that in a little bit. Yeah. I’m excited for this conversation but. What have you been inspired about? Recently. Clean of inspiration. Oh Man I. I needed crown designed that thing yeah. So During the during the summer and well when when we’re in quarantine, you know I’m trying to like break it up with my kids and being home and stuff and. Not just throw them in front of a screen like it’s so much easier. Especially when you’re working at home with gotta do work, go do something on the screen. So I don’t have to worry that you’re causing problems but I have like a whole system that I’ve been working out with them. But when it comes to lunch like I, make sure that we always eat lunch together and. In order to make me feel better that I’m not just watching TV with them all eating lunch. I always put on like something educational and we’ve been watching we have Disney plus we’ve been watching these national geographic like series. Yeah. The breaks cailleton really loves the ones that are about lake like treasure hunts or archaeology and mom my daughter Jasmine has been really into Greek mythology and stuff lately which is like my favorite thing and we so we decided to watch a series on the Greeks. Yeah and. They were talking they’re going to like the whole history and like why Greek culture. So important in how it kind of shaped the world and they started to talk about is funny because I’ve I’ve known about this but it’s this how inspiration works like it doesn’t always you don’t always connect the dots when you hear something and then later in your life you’re like, oh my gosh. So they were talking about socrates and how basically he was. He was basically put on trial because he was. Annoying everybody with questions like he was constantly questioning the government and anyone he could find like including children. He met on the street like this asking them questions about what they thought about things and so it became known as the socratic method, which is asking questions and then asking why lake always asking why and then coming up with ideas based on those questions or ideas that come from the answers to





those questions. Yeah and then continuing to ask questions about those things and I would just like.





That’s what I do. I. Think I kind of inspired me to really like try to. I have my my strategic process, right. But in the strategic process, there’s this thing that I always tell you like I’m asking why right being like a toddler saying why this why that and it occurred to me that what I do is very similar to the socratic method and so I’m trying now to work in. What I do into this socratic method to kind of organize how I ask questions a little bit better and so yeah. So it was like I just like pas the show and ran in the kitchen and grab like a post it and wrote it down with socratic method. This is what I do. So it was just really cool and. Basically is really encouraging because the socratic method is something that’s been used since the. Greek. Prime Very Long. To come up with good solutions and to ask the right questions and that’s what good design and good design strategy is all about is asking the right questions and finding solutions that was really inspiring to me. It wasn’t it wasn’t like something I would design from. Directly, but how I structure how I go about question so That was. Super Cool. Come. Go Some the KMARTS. Shell shock have those. Kofi, candy stray from Japan. And shoes. was something for your mind by super organism. I love this song even though some of it is a bit of kind of what sounds like nonsense lyrics but. It’s really catchy and it really has a good like electronic flow and really helps keep my brain kind of on focus when I’m working on certain things. Also, this idea is perfect for episode, because music is something for your mind we talked a lot about it in this episode, but it’s really interesting how it affects you and particularly this song the lyrics aren’t really deeper meaningful but the vibe and the flow of it really helps keep you focused and thinking about. What you put into your mind while you’re working is super important. Yes so today’s. Episode I’m really really excited about. For those of you who know me are have been following this podcast for any amount of time know that music one is a huge part of my life but to is a huge part of my process and turns out that. Music is actually proven scientifically to make you more creative to help you work better, and so I wanted to talk a little bit about that. So how do you use music in your work Julie? Where does music come into play in your process? Probably. Use Music. The most is when I’m doing something that. You, I can sit at my computer and be listening while working on something else like your day. I was. Doing a calling for from the couple of limits that I recently did and. If you don’t know that’s just kind of like going through all the photos and deciding which ones you’re gonNA keep an edit Reggie finding. Yeah. So it is definitely that they might have to think about but at the same time like I can’t be listening to something else. So occasionally like listen to podcasts for. Have to think, super? Hard. You don’t have to rewind it three times only on I. Think they said something important yet if his podcast I wanNA take notes and it’s not a good thing to listen to you all yacky. Yes. So a lot times they’ll play music during that time and sometimes it’s like the music that I would just normally listen to. But I also kind of like to listen to serve different stuff like yesterday I was listening to soundtracks for movies all of that. And I have like a whole Pandora station for that, and then I also have been listening to a lot of actual actually video game. soundtracks as well. Let me just pause you there for one second until you how my daughter has completely wrecked my algorithm on spotify by putting video game play lists in. Account. That’s so funny. Yeah. There’s actually really great music out there from Games. So and a lot of them get second my head suddenly his just listened to. Any particular she likes Diadora Diet. Diodoros seventy eight or something. Have you heard him I, don’t know what that is. It’s a person. Or a DJ or I don’t know someone that has music from video games like he re mixes. Yeah. That’s cool. I listened to a lot of, but I listen to the soundtrack for him breath of the wild that MS recent Zelda game the music is just really. So good. I told my daughter I told my daughter this summer. You need to consolidate your Zelda breath of the wild playlist. I’m not kidding there’s probably at least ten. The playlist Oh my gosh. On my on my spotify right now. There’s a lot of good music.





It is good. But when you you’ll know one of these days when you have a child or someone that just listen to the same thing over and over. Again understand that. I could stop it’s really good but not all the time. So I do understand that. Yeah. But honestly when when I’m when I’m home schooling, we listened to a lot of that because it’s just music yet. Well, I think the one thing with video games and movies or TV shows is that it’s meant go it something else and it’s generally instrumental, and so it just makes a really great lake background checks to listen to all working and it can just feel. Like especially when I am listening to something from video game that I’ve played, it’s like. You can tell, yeah get your like. And this thing is happening. or Oh yeah. Like this was a really hard levels of play or whatever, and so it does kind of bring out emotions as listening to, which is kind of fun. Yeah. That’s that’s a good lead into what I was about when I was about to start to say is that music really affects us as people I was watching this really amazing documentary. Oh Gosh I wish I could remember what it was called with Kenny, the other night it’s basically about. Not not the musical but like the sound the sound of music. The sounds in movies the from everything from ambient noise to like the actual soundtrack which is. Music with lyrics. So the score, the the Foley, which is just like all the. Like Sounds that like they ought to make in the studio and it was just mind blowing to see how many things go into it and I’ve always been intrigued at how music can change your mood your emotions, and you can see that in movies if there’s if there’s a S-, the same exact scene set to completely different music, you’re going to feel completely different about it and. Yeah it can tell you to like you know like he can tell that something not so





great. It’s going to happen in the next couple of minutes if your eyes. Or Hide. Or be prepared to cry. Yeah. It’s sometimes it does actually ruin it though if you like I know it’s coming. It’s like almost another like you’re watching the actors faces and their their body language to see like how they’re feeling the music is almost another dimension of that telling you what’s going on in Colorado character? Yeah. It’s another actor you don’t even them. Yeah I I think I use this phrase too much. The whole secret weapon thing like I say that like the word map is my secret weapon but. I think like the super secret top secret thing. The I have that really impacts the process the creative process for me is music. For. For Bow Gosh about five years now, I think I’ve really honed in to. Realizing that there should be a specific kind of music for each stage in this process, and that’s actually something that I offer as part of like the coaching that I do now is. A set of playlists to go along with each step in the process at such. There’s one for for the word map and there’s one for sketching and research and rendering designing, and then like collecting all your design elements because there’s different parts of your brain that needs to be activated during these different these different times and understanding the. Really profound effect that music has on our minds gives us an edge of advantage over other people that maybe don’t have that inkling and it’s not really even whether you are like a music person or not. It’s just like actually science that certain kinds of music stimulate different parts of the brain and in the process you need to be stimulating especially in the process that I teach in the early part. If you’re doing stuff with words, you can’t be listening to music with words you have to be listening to the playlist is mostly like it’s all instrumental, but it ranges from like electron two pianos. It’s all upbeat kind of like There’s a lot of sleeping at last and other bands Kinda like that that have. Like a really good flow I guess is is how I can explain it. Do. You find that your. Your taste in music has changed at all in. In your process like. When you’re before, you used to have your own business and you still like need some focused time and things like that. Did you listen to things differently than you do now lake? Were you less aware of the kind of stuff that you’re listening to? That’s been so long ago that I feel. Like then I feel like then. I. Mostly like listen to music in the car or like if I was doing housework or something like that obviously still do but I definitely listen to different music at my desk. I would say like if I am just in the car during chores or whatever it’s usually. Lake just Kinda everyday music that I listened to I. Don’t really deal like sound tracks and stuff like that But when I met my desk I think I am more like purposeful about like I have a Pandora’s steady playlist. You know that’s like classical music or whatever, and I’m not always in the mood for that. But yeah, I, definitely do listen to different things depending on link what my goal in purposes I guess yeah, that’s good. When I’m when I’m looking at like client intake forms basically like the things that I look at to determine like whether I’m GonNa work. Okay. With a client or not I, generally like to listen to things that are like. Is GonNa





Sound Weird. And I don’t know why do this for sure. But like workout music uh-huh. Like like stuff that gets you like really amped up to get my I think. This is not scientific. This is my theory that like when you’re listening to music like that that makes you energized and lake makes your blood pump a little bit more. Obviously that gets more blood to your brain right and so when there’s more blood coming to your brain that gives you extra brain power and so lake for me it’s really It’s really draining to actually do these these forms with looking at new client information because it’s a lot of information to take in to figure out and to kind of weed. Through whether we’re going to be a good fit or not. So that is one playlist that I have not made because I. think that that one in particular is really individual to people what kind of music really amps you up and this doesn’t really need to be anything in particular and so that’s one of those ones that I kind of tell. People. Listen to what you would listen to when you’re working out like whatever that is for you. That’s a good. That’s like a good playlist for that. The other thing that I’ve I’m not sure if I’ve talked a lot about on the podcast to be honest is the relationship between like the left and the right brain. And creativity. In the process that I teach more more than half of the steps are actually fall on the left side, which are like more logical which goes against what a lot of people think about creativity. Even. Even when I went to When I first started art college, they had a billboard for my college here in Albuquerque and has said right brained right school and I, I’ve never forgotten that and so in in now my life I’m like, okay but if I’m looking at this process More than half of these steps, require you to think logically about something and even you when you’re planning your stuff. It’s not just all about like. What. Place makes me feel really good about taking this couple to it’s like, okay. Now you have like a checklist my gosh, it’s so logical. Yeah. The creative stuff is there, but it’s it’s in the meshing. It’s in the going back and forth between the left and right sides and so. For me. Music is more right brained, and the logic stuff is on the left side and when you listen to music certain kinds of music while you are doing left brain stuff. So if I’m doing a word map and listening to really beautiful piano music. There’s this merging of your left in your right brain that happens and also music that’s piano based is also one of those things that’s very methodical and a little logical also, and so that listening to music like that in in this first stage of dating is like so key and really helps you. Stay focused because it’s really easy to get distracted. When you’re when you’re just sitting down to start like because the word map is always the start and it’s like, okay. How can I stay focused and if you’re listening to music that reminds you of something or you know even like you said, if if I were to listen to something from a movie, even if it’s in mental and all of a sudden, it takes me to this place. That’s like, Oh, I remember when I was there or oh, that reminds me of my Kiddo and then I’m like you know what I wanna find a picture of them when they were that little that’s how my brain works on like. Okay. No more word map right now. Yeah. It’s interesting that you mentioned that anything that’s totally true is at Lake. Especially, yesterday I was kind of dreading calling to be on his. ’cause it’s just it’s not Super Fun. It’s just kind of a task and. I think that’s why I put on the music was like a me forget about the fact that I was spending an hour and a half just sitting there saying, yes or no to photos. In there yeah. Yes. So I think it just helped me get through it in made the time go by faster because there was like something there but it also wasn’t. It wasn’t distracting me like I know a lot of tigers edit to TV shows and stuff like that, and I feel like that could be distracting. Have never done that but I feel like, I would. Not Stay on task very well. Yeah and just like we’ve said in a lot of other episodes about things is a lot of this So even though I provide. Like a set playlist for people when I when I coached them on I teach them this process. As part of like what they buy for me. A lot of this still involves you’re standing yourself and knowing yourself and knowing what kind of things like you’re I. I definitely, there’s there’s certain tasks that I have like if I’m just cleaning through my email, I can totally do that while I’m watching a show if I’m just the leading a bunch of emails from be or something like. That’s easy to do. But if I’m needing to do real work I cannot watch TV. I cannot have the TV even on because here it’s teachings I figure attention. Yeah, and then you’re not doing your work or your client or whatever it is justice is funny that you hit on hit on the time thing that’s another sort of trick that I use and uh I think is a really good hack into using music when you work is to use. Use It as a timekeeping tool. So I actually. Like the epitome of the word map thing when I teach it and what I do is have an





one album by sleeping at last that listen to from beginning to end, and that is the time that I give myself to do the word map whatever I get done in that time is done like it’s just done and so I know going into it how long I’m going to sit and work on this and I also your your brain does something right thing we talked about this last time last season when you have. A time limit or a deadline on something your brain goes Oh, shoot I have to have this dust. Right. So if if it’s just like I’m just going to work on this, I’m just GonNa work on this word map for like I dunno like a couple of hours, and then I’ll come back to it tomorrow because I feel like I might be able to add a little bit more to it. You’re going to waste time. When you could be already moving onto the next step. So I like to set set this time but also. If you have a short task or if you if you know that you only have a certain amount of time like to a couple of songs that can be timekeepers for you. So you know like, okay. By the end of this this album by the end of this playlist, I need to have you know. All. My photos picked out. You’RE GONNA be a lot more focused and motivated to do that if you use that as a timekeeper. Yeah, and that’s way more fun than just like a timer. Yeah because then your then your costs at least I know that like if timers for tasks and this is why use music because when I would set timers for tasks I would be constantly like hundred how much time’s left on the timer Like looking at the clock and being like, okay. Still have ten minutes left as opposed to just getting into the flow listening to music and knowing okay. When this is over I, need to be done. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. Music is definitely more fun than a timer. Except if I do that for my kids. They forget. So I have to have like a beep for the. Being being. So the next. So I’m just going to throw out some relief some some these aren’t the the curated playlist that I give to people but I have I, have like some of my own before I made these of of mine that I kind of fall back on I really love for the. For like the idea dating word map phase, there’s one called and I use spotify I’m like spotify person. So there’s one called Superior Study playlist and brain food that I absolutely love they’re both very They get the juices creatively, really flowing and kind of really put you into a mindset sleeping at last has has a couple of albums that are. Just music that he does a lot of really cool things with and then. After that is kind of the what I really what I really love is the idea dating Phase I love my word maps but when you actually when the word mapping is finished And you get to start like. Once you’ve chosen your concept and all that stuff.





Doing the dating is like Really, fun. And so there’s a there’s a few things. There’s. There’s actually a playlist called be bold or at TALLEC never regular. You made this for me. Yeah? For those of you out there who don’t get that. You must not be into typography, but it’s just kind of a hint to Helvetica. It’s it’s a quote from Moscow Mova neely, and so it’s pretty amazing. There’s also this one called creativity boost and seize the day. Those are sorry. Those are two different ones that are also really awesome. and. Those are also really good for the research phase. So the research and dating phase are similar in that you can listen to things with lyrics. Because you’re no longer using. So much of your logic brain, this is more of like your free flowing sort of listen to what? What is interesting and inspiring to you? It also should be motivating and inspiring. So not just fun music but like stuff that you know like, what would I listen to? If need a little pick me up in the morning that kind of stuff. Yeah. You know it’s kind of funny that we’re talking about this I just realized or remembered way back when you actually interviewed me for. The job that you hiring for which the interview is done over skype. So I had I had a few minutes beforehand to just kind of like, sit there and try to calm myself down those nervous because I went. So intimidated I mean you were. But I. I listened to some instrumental music that was like very calming in something that I just really enjoyed and I just remember like laying on my bed for a few minutes with headphones in just trying to lake. Absorbed red, eye, and yeah just to relax and feel calm and centered before starting that call. So yeah that’s kind of a funny hacked I. Love that so much also I didn’t realize I was intimidating but I mean I know attention hire you I feel like. A you didn’t know me then, but I will say when I was teaching when I was teaching at Southwest University of visual. Arts. The other instructor instructors all said, I was a firecracker. I think that’s a good thing. I’m GONNA take it. Yes. Yep, my students always that I was like pretty intense. So. I guess you weren’t completely wrong but you you came to work for man hopefully, I wasn’t intimidating after that. So. something. That’s really like a fun trick to that I just want Kinda throw in here is. Using music when your designing for specific things. So before we move on any further in like the playlists thing. If I’m designing something. So once I’ve gone my concept say the concept is like, Victorian? Chic. I. Just made that up. I would I would sit and listen to Victorian style music if I’m if I’m. If I’m making something for a musician. I only listen to that that person’s may not. Make sense, and then it really immerses you in the in the mood in the feeling all of the vibes and then you’re really able to capture not only the concept that you. Created based on that thing that you’re designing for but also. Really, just the personality of that band or that person and you know we talked about brand voice awhile back. Brand, voice is super important, and if you can find music that reflects in some way, the brand voice of whatever company or band or person or product you’re designing for your, you will notice how much better your designs. Come out just. Nature of that little brain hack. That’s like it’s GonNa Switch on something that helps you kind of really understand the world’s that you’re designing for and so that’s just like a that’s like a little aside of something that I also do with music. Yeah. That’s so cool. Then there’s like the sketching phase and again that’s that’s still just. Anything with lyrics I have tons of really amazing playlists for that one. And that is where the little aside that I just did kind usually comes in. It’s like do I have something that I need to wrap around right now that’s like brand voice or is this just something that doesn’t matter like an I can listen to whatever’s interesting to me, and so that’s that’s a really flexible sort of. Phase in this music hacking your brain thing. Studies. Have actually shown that certain. Certain types of music affect US differently, and so if you’re finding that, you don’t maybe even know. I don’t. I. Don’t even know what that means like listen to music that’s motivating and inspiring. Hopefully, some of these, some of these places that I’ve listed, we’ll help you and all link them all on the show notes. But the research phase is also is also one that I should back up. I think I skipped the research phase research is one that I also generally just kind of have to gauge sometimes if it’s really intense research like if it’s for a company that I don’t know anything about. Their products, I don’t I’m not in that world your awhile back I did I did a rebrand or actually wasn’t a rebrand it was a brand new company was a tech company that that made





they were called Park lab and they created. Playground safety testing equipment. Interesting. Yeah. So they have like this it looks like it almost looks like a kettle bell looking thing was ICAZA handle but it has like all sorts of measuring things and has an accelerometer and some pressure gauges an all sorts of crazy stuff inside that they drop from Lake? The top step of a playground. and. That thing basically is like a child’s head and so they’re gauging the safety of the height they’re gauging like how much cushion like wood chips are needed to of that if someone fell on their head. It would be safe. So when I I had got this client I didn’t even know this existed. He taught me now. I’m like. Well, it makes sense someone probably does need to test that stuff without using like an actual child. Head. So when I was researching for this particular thing. Researching the competition and which ps there’s next to none but I didn’t know that at the time. It was a whole different world and so I was listening to two like. Very Electric and techie type instrumental music because it was so hard for me to wrap my brain around what they did and get into a mindset of you know on one hand it’s Techie but on the other hand, it’s for playground equipment and so it needs Kate, you know this these elements and so listening to listening to something that would have been like really. Word filled and distracting for me would have probably really hurt the research because I wouldn’t have been able to dig in in the way that. Yeah. Really learn about what they did So sorry I’m like jumping all around I guess you guys know my process by now you can find your way I hope and the last thing is is like The designing part. I found that listening to music that’s upbeat. Is. Better. So even if you generally like really may be slow indie or like folk music I still I still highly encourage you to like give it give it a try to listen to something that’s more upbeat that’ll keep you working continuously because it has that rhythm has yeah momentum I guess if the music has momentum in theory, your your work will have that same momentum. and. then. Music with momentum also makes me work quickly I don’t know if this have you found that if you’re listening to like more upbeat music that you like get more work done I do yeah. I don’t know I feel like I need to test this out now. Yeah it works. ’cause sometimes I’m like, I don’t really feel that energize I don’t Wanna I really just WANNA listen to like some civil wars or something really chill and Johnny swam or something, and it’s like, why didn’t I get any work done today? I would say anything like especially if I’m doing something really long term sitting there for a while if I am listening to something gallic classical or I, have like a playlist. It’s like rain. Sounds Oh. Yes. I have an MBA Paris like ob. Mall. Yes but sometimes, I have to be like, okay. We’re done with us. We need to move onto something peppier. Happy that’s the word. That’s the word we’re looking were. Yeah, and something else that I found is if if I already like I’m very immersed in this brand and I know what I’m doing I know my concept really well, I know what I’m working towards.





It’s good to hack like into your your intuitive creativity. So lean over to the right side and. That’s when I highly encourage songs that you can just sing too so like. That’s your sing songs in the shower playlist. Pull that out because then your minds on singing those lyrics and just listening and it allows your creativity to just kind of go on autopilot and you can just kind of. Work in your own. Mental flow your own creative flow, and you’re not thinking too hard. So by this time, you’ve already done all the left brain stuff and you’ve already done all the logic you know what’s going on you know what you’re working towards. You know the problem you have to solve all that lefty brain stuff. And now you can go k. Now. I can set it on cruise control. Yeah and like actually just let my intuition like Dr, this design I call I also call it educated intuition where. You stop questioning after. You’ve done this so many times and after especially for lake designers and creators that had been doing things for a longer amount of time you do all the planning but then you’ve educated your intuition enough so that Julie you probably already know lake in editing something, which is why probably you’re able to outsource it at this point because it’s so second nature just like I don’t even really think about this anymore like it’s it’s just something. Yeah like Okay Click this click that adjust this do these levels like yeah. Yeah and so that’s something A. Fifteen years ago. You don’t even know was a thing that you could do. Yeah. Ten years ago five years ago maybe because you hadn’t educated that intuition yet it wasn’t it wasn’t something so. Once, you can get to that point that’s when you can start really incorporating your sing-along music because you don’t have to think so hard. For, younger designers that don’t quite have that educated in tuition, it still works. It’s just you’re probably still going to have to pause your brain a little bit and go. Okay. Wait. What was I? What was I trying to do here? What? What were the colors speed using like? What was the layout I had planned again? The last and final tip I will say when it comes to music, is that when you consistently use the same either the same exact music. Or the same kinds of music at different stages in your creative process. It will actually start to trigger that step in the creative process so interesting yeah if you know when I turn on I know when I start the playlist by sleeping at last. To do the mind maps, my brain just goes on like a switch I don’t there’s not like a warming up to to get motivated my brain just goats Oh. Okay. This is what we’re doing and the same for all the steps. So over time. You will actually just start turning your brain on by turning on certain music every time you do it, which is why I have these these less than I’m giving to people because it’s It’s like a proven fact that music can change your actions. Out





So, cool. Brain is such a crazy thing. It’s my favorite well. The brain and how it interacts with music is my favorite, and I also have a few articles. I have a I have a blog post that I wrote quite some time ago that I will link to, and then towards the bottom of that blog post is a bunch of articles where I did a bunch of this research a while back when I wrote this and it’s something I’m super passionate about and is like is like the Super Secret M I five. James Bond. To the process really being successful and not just this process, but any creative process can really be completely amped up. Get Yeah ha ha. Change in your playlists. Yeah and one thing I was gonna add. So I haven’t personally done this, but I know that a lot of photographers actually take like a little Bluetooth speaker with them. On their sessions and play music. That kind of fits the mood like if they want their clients to be like. extroverted I guess you know like just just fear lovely. Yeah. Yeah. Like really fun and playful than they’re gonNA play something A. B. in like something that gets their kinds pumped up. But if they WANNA have like you know they’re getting to the point where they wanna have more lake intimate moments where it’s just More relaxed chill and you know music get your kinds in the mood for that too. So I think it can be put into a lot of different ways of doing your process. Absolutely, that’s really interesting. Yeah. Really Weird Sidebar to that totally related we can and I were listening to a podcast recently. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was basically this idea that, oh, it’s called wind of change still limited series it’s about. It’s a weird conspiracy theory that the song wind of change by the Scorpions was actually written by the CIA to help get behind the Iron Curtain. So interesting really weird. But in that they were talking about how there was some song that was written and I don’t remember if it was wind of change a different song. That, they say inspired the baby boom because so many people were making love to this. Time so music can be very. Influential will today on people. So yeah. That’s I have a lot more to say and I could talk for ages about this but. I have I have seen it work for me. Personally I’ve seen at work for people that I’ve I’ve worked with I’ve seen it work for people only implement. This at one stage in their creative process or you know if they’re writing and they have a playlist that they write to or I pass along the one that I use when I’m writing blog posts like there’s just something about music that can really flip that switch in in ways that maybe aren’t possible otherwise. So I hope that that was helpful and I can’t wait to hear if you actually try it. Yeah. Yeah. On on any of these and try something new. Yet, definitely. Well, that’s all for us today. If you if you’re interested in any of the the playlist, just like I said, check out the show notes and you’ll, you’ll have links to all the things that I referenced today including the Weird podcast about the CIA.





We’ll see you guys next time. Again. That was super organism with something for your mind. All right everybody episode for today if you’d like to Support Zion speaks you can do. So by sharing this podcast was a friend or head over to our patriots page at Patriotair, DOT com slash, design speaks. Design speaks is produced by Kenneth, Nathan and Dakota Cook and me. Randy see. Audio production by Kenneth Nathan. Thanks to call in from vesper eighteen for our theme music you can find for ten on apple music and spotify design speaks is a project of ranbaxy designs. It is recorded and produced in the shadow of the Watermelon Pink Sandia mountains near Albuquerque New Mexico you can leave us a no on. Instagram at Zion speaks podcast and you can find all current and past episodes at vice based PODCAST DOT com. Thanks again listening
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