brandi loves to talk.

Brandi’s talks on design and creativity offer a disruptive, powerful kick-in-the-pants, and inspiring new approaches to design problems creatives face every day.  

I talk about.

Whether it’s workshops on creating strategic concepts to personal brand color palettes or talks and keynote presentations on finding inspiration, design process, and creative confidence, Brandi brings something unexpected and unique from over 22 years in design. 

past talks.

Title: “Your Inspiration is in The Process”

Topic: It isn’t enough to feel inspired. I show a better way to think about inspiration that leads with the process. How to recognize inspiration, what to do with it once you’ve found it, and how to use it in your design work to bring life and personality to your design concepts.

2024 National Student Show & Conference (Dallas)

Title: Your Inspiration Isn’t on Pinterest, It’s in the Process
Topic: Is inspiration a lightning bolt that suddenly strikes or a random idea that comes to you in the shower? Maybe, but it isn’t enough to feel inspired. In this talk, I’ll show you a better way to think about inspiration that leads with the process. I’ll share how you can recognize inspiration, what to do with it once you’ve found it, and how to use it in your design work to bring life and personality to your design concepts.

Title: The Cowardly Creative? 

Topic: Bravery & Creative Courage (for Design Educators)

Title: Color-Ology

Topic: Color psychology for creating a meaningful personal brand color palette

Title: Process, Concepts, & Color

Topic: The Process of Creating an Event Poster

Title: Trust the Process

Topic: The Process™ 1.0 Workshop


Title: Trust the Process & Trust Yourself

Topic: Creative confidence and why your own uncommon (and personal) inspiration matters more than you think.

Title: “More Than Just  Pretty Typeface” 

Topic: Ad Design

State of the Arts Marketing Panel Speaker

Title: “Bridging the gap between Inspiration and creative voice”

Topic: Design Strategy

2021 National Student Show & Conference (Virtual)

Title: Seeing Type Differently
Topic: How typography can create a representative identity for a place and its importance in making a relatable and distinctive brand. 
Also Included: A downtown Albuquerque type hunt (How it represents ABQ/What does it say about the community?)
Title: Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Creative Voice
Topic: You know that little voice that says “you’ll never have another good idea as great as your last one”. We’ve all been there and have struggled with how to find inspiration and also create work that is a reflection of who we are as designers. But how do you connect the gaping chasm that seems to be between inspiration and your own style? In this talk I shared a few secrets about how design strategy IS the bridge to connect your inspiration to your creative voice and never be at a loss for ideas again.
"Brandi offered our design conference attendees a new perspective on finding creative inspiration. She made it clear how the process works in daily concepting and as a bonus, how her process could be used as a way to pull ourselves out of creative block immediately. With her bright, friendly, and cheerful demeanor, I would absolutely recommend her as a presenter."
Anna McBrayer
Art Director and 2022 University & College Design Conference Chair

book me to speak.

I’m available and currently booking for Fall 2023-Winter 2024.